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Support Groups

The Gary Care Center offers an array of groups, for individuals struggling, as well as their family and friends. These groups are facilitated by Rabbi Tzvi Steinberg and are open to the public.The groups are currently virtual, and will be offered in-person as well in the coming months.



The Chillax is a spot for those struggling to come and relax. There is a library, board games, a quiet room to do homework in, a deck for fresh air, and planned activities.

The Quiet Room 2.jpg


Facilitating respite programs to assist the recovering ED patient when facing triggering and challenging times. The strongest demand for these fully staffed respite programs is during major holidays, when food association and family gathering serves high risk of relapse.


& Case Management

Whether you are an individual or family new to this subject or are already familiar, Rabbi Steinberg will assist you from start to finish, with extra guidance, support, management, intervention, working with your school, family Rov, and treatment team - whether in-patient, residential or out-patient.


Rabbinic Support

Augments clinical treatment provided for ED patient, (IOP, PHP, Residential or In-Patient).


Awareness Program

Facilitating community awareness events, prevention programs for schools, training for school staff and Rabbonim.



For patient, parents and siblings, with compassionate one-on-one coaching, in- person group sessions and Zoom-based nationwide support groups: For Clinical Treatment Teams; For Dietary and Kitchen Staff; Providing School Education Programs.

Support Groups Anchor
Respite Programs Ancho

The mission of the GARY CARE CENTER is to broaden awareness, provide consultation, resources and advocacy for parents, families and patients of Eating Disorders (ED) within a professional, caring and supportive framework during all phases of illness , recovery and post treatment.


Servicing a culturally unique population, GARY CARE CENTER fills a crucial void in the arena of ED treatment.

As the incidence of ED is growing at an alarming rate among the general population, it is increasing with exponential disproportion within the international Orthodox Jewish community. Unfortunately, this concerning trend is currently unaddressed within the community, and acutely necessitates the services and support that GARY CARE CENTER offers.

Direction & Case Management Anchor
Rabbinic Support Anchor
Awareness Program Anchor
Education Anchor

Gary CARE Center

Jackson, New Jersey, USA

Gary Care Center for Eating is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt organization. Your generous donation is fully tax-deductible.

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